September 2008 - I knew in my heart I found a new love. No, not Brad Pitt. Not Tom Cruise either. I have this phobia for very good looking people. =) It's not a who then, it's a WHAT.
What is it? Blogging.
I set up this blog 8 months ago but only started writing two months ago. I won't bore you with the whys and hows. But one thing I want to share is that I knew this is something I really wish, hope, aspire and dream to do. Every fiber, every single cell of my being just want to do it. AND it makes me happy just doing it.
What for? Service. My simple act of service.
If I hope to be of service to my fellow librarians through sharing lessons I've learned through the years of practice. Probably give some tips and tricks to newbies or librarians-to-be. One can also expect to read some insights on some things that librarians like me maybe interested about. The blog would also tackle the mundane aspects of library work. In short, this is somewhat the want-to-help-in-my-own-little-way type of thing.
If what I write would inspire or help one single soul -- then I'll be happy and I will continue doing it and loving every single minute of it.
It's your turn!
Have you found a new love also? Do you want to do something you know will help others or improve a service but keep on putting it off for whatever reasons?
NIKE says -- Just do it!
It's going to be very rewarding, believe me. Whether it's for your library, library group, for faculty, students or for your own personal improvement!
And chances are someone along the way will pave the way to turn your plans into reality.
It happened to me. Thanks to Roderick Ramos. He never stopped encouraging me and he is the 'culprit' why this litte secret of mine was finally out in the open. (We need Eriks in our lives or perhaps you can be the Erik to someone else.)
Do what you love! If you love what you're doing, you don't need to work at all. (wink!)
Have the courage.