Change is permanent, and it is a wondrous experience. From being a cataloger, I am now in charge of collection development.
When I took this new assignment, I had mixed feelings about it - scared, excited, anxious, enthusiastic. My anxiety was caused by the seemingly huge responsibility involved with the job. On the other hand, the thought of all the things I will have to learn excites me undeniably. Learning something new, something different -- gives me an adrenaline rush. :)
And now more than ever, it's crystal clear to me that shaping the library's collection is a serious business. There are many aspects that you have to look at before saying "Yes, let's get this book." Such aspects are the users, the budget, the community and the general objectives of the institution - among many others. And now that we are moving to having library without walls, its not only books that we have to be concerned of. Evaluating (more like scrutinizing) online databases, ebooks, eAudiobooks even, as well as e-journals should be handled with great care and with prudence. These are but parts and parcels of the role.
Indeed, there's really more to it than meets the eye...just like any other work. So far, I'm having a good time dealing with this unforeseen change in my work life. My goal is to do a good job here, learn what I have to learn and keep the confidence of those who trusted me with this task.